Sunday, 21 June 2015

Considerations When Choosing The Colour of The Kids Room

The first moment before you decide to make any decorations is to choose whether the colour should be brighter or in the dark range of colours.

Whether choosing the colour of the kids room seems like a simple task you should not underestimate some tiny details around this procedure. Kids often have their own preferences for the appearance of the room but when it comes to choosing the most appropriate colour, take into consideration some basic things.

It makes no difference if you have bought more expensive paint, or a simpler one, all you need to do is to make the right judgement and apply the needed decorations.

As far as kids room is concerned it is preferable not to choose bright colours. The reason for this is that many children love drawing pictures or simply scratching on the walls. The brighter the colour is, the more visible the dirt will be for the eye.
Apart from this it would be very difficult to be cleaned properly without leaving any signs. If the kids are younger we advise you to forget about the white colour and think about something more practical for this purpose unless you want to see spots from their fingers all around the surface of the wall. Darker variations of yellow, blue and green are good options and in the same time they make the ambience look fresh and pleasant. According to some studies, darker colours of the room are the reason for a better quality of the sleep. So despite the fact that white walls give the feeling for more space, it is better to avoid them for the kids room.

The second thing to reconsider when choosing the colour of the paint is the surface of the paint that is put on to the wall. Nowadays there are thousands of paints, some of them possessing more plain surface and others more furrowed ones.

The furrowed surfaces are not appropriate for a kids room because children are constantly playing and running in the room and the walls may appear to be dangerous for them

Another thing that you should check before starting with thee process is to verify the paint is made with minimum amount of chemicals in it, because kids are often more vulnerable and predisposed to allergic reactions. It is important to choose colours that create the sense of comfort and relaxation because the colour of the walls often sets the whole mood in the room.

These are some of the tips that will help you in choosing the right colour for the kids room. Remember that the right choice of paint will save you up many hours in trying to clean the dirt walls in the kids room which is an important moment especially with your busy working schedule. Even if you think that darker colours are not appropriate for your children you will immediately see that the dirt and stains on them are less visible.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Quick and Easy ways to stay hydrated, this summer!

Sun is up and we’re back with the latest summer trends. While it’s good to look fabulous, it’s even better to change your habits in order to stay hydrated during this season. Heat can be bad for your body if not taken care of.
It is advisable to drink bottles and bottles full of water to stay fresh and keep bad odor at bay, but if you are the kind for whom drinking water is a daunting task, then there are other effective ways too! Here’s how to make sure that you are fit to stay healthy and revved up this summer.
Fruits are rich in sugar content and various vitamins, apart from water. Summer fruits, like mango, litchi and watermelon are high on water and sugar both, helping you maintain your glucose level and thereby keeping you fresh and energized. So, fill up your bowls with fruits, make a chaat and enjoy!
Smoothies are not only a good breakfast option but they are also a good way to stay hydrated. Smoothies are rich in vitamins, minerals and carbs as they have fruits, milk, yogurt and all things good to keep you fresh, active and summer proof all in one glass! What better way to keep up this summer than slurping your favorite fruits and veggies in a healthy and tasty way.
Nothing cools down a mind and body better than a sherbet. A drink that comes in so many choices of flavors of fruits to be mixed in water stirred around a little and quenching your thirst! Rich in aroma, soothes taste buds and for people who are not willing on working much on a drink.
Coconut Water
Having the refreshing drink beating the summer heat provide a nutritional boost. Coconuts for drinking are served fresh, chilled or packaged in many places.
Cucumber is to cool your body temperature and re-hydrate it too, cucumber has 96% of water content and is also good in vitamin K and B6, slice it or dice it, have it alone or in a salad, this waterlogged food is one of the best ways to fight summers.
This summer keep up against the rising mercury with variety, taste and less trips to the water cooler. Happy summers!

Friday, 5 June 2015




Ripe alphonso mango - 4 nos (small-medium sized, replace with your favorite variety)

Sugar - 3/4 cup
Lemon juice - Juice of 1 medium sized lemon


1. Peel the skin of mangoes and chop into chunks discarding the seed. Take the chopped mangoes, sugar and lemon juice in a wide pan. Mix well and bring it to a boil (medium-high flame).
2. Once the sugar dissolves and starts to bubble up, reduce the flame to low-medium.
3. Let it cook further for 5-6 minutes until the mangoes get cooked, since I used mango chunks I tried to mash them with a ladle.
4. As the mixture cooks further you will find the mangoes partly mashed and it thicken. Cook further for 3 minutes.
5. Test your jam by taking a little in a wooden ladle and drawing a line on a plate of bowl. The strike should be firm and now flowing/ runny. Now your jam is perfect.
6. Switch off and let it cool completely, you will find the jam further thickening.
7. Prepare an air tight container and transfer the jam to the container and store in a refrigerator for upto 10-12 days or till it lasts. 
8. Enjoy the home-made jam with bread slices.

The colour of the mango jam is natural, alphonso mangoes are naturally vibrant. If you use any other mango variety the colour might slightly vary.