About Me

Hi All, thanks for stopping by :-)

I am Shalu, a mother of a beautiful baby gal, wife of a loving Husband and a HOUSEWIFE these days. Being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in the World and the TOUGHEST too..Some years back, I used to ask my mother how can you forget all about yourself, your tastes, your interest and just keep thinking about what we like, our taste, our interest, all thoughts revolving around us all the time, at that time my mother used to say This is Motherhood my child, you will understand this feeling only when you will become a Mother.. and Yes the realization has happened... I have completely forgotten what my hobbies were, what I loved to do.. hey.. what I really miss is watching TV loud... for hours... undisturbed.. :P

Sometime back, a thought just clicked, Ohh.. I was a Literature student and was very fond of writing once, let me start writing again... hmmm... but what to write... do I have a well equipped knowledge about anything happening these days.. I don't even read a newspaper :p . Am I good for anything? :(

Then thought, Is it easy to be a Mother, a housewife, a wife... Not at all. We, Housewives, if  do an introspection, have ample knowledge about cooking, household tips, parenting, home decor.. Isn't it? So why not create a blog, write what I like and share it with others..

In this blog I will be sharing my experience as a mother, a homemaker, a few cooking recipes, home decor, household tips and a few words of wisdom that help you live a better life.. 

So by this I hope  I am really gonna impress my husband as he is the true critic and the best admirer and the one who motivated me to come out of the monotony and do something which gives a new vision..

Hope you enjoyyyyy reading..

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