Friday 29 May 2015

Cooking Tips

  • To make your dosa crisper, add a little sugar to the dosa batter
  • To make softer chapatis, take flour in a bowl, add salt and little oil. Then add boiled water and mix slowly until soft dough is formed. Keep it aside for 15 min before making the chapatis.
  • To get good smell and yummy taste of biryani add more onions and fry it more in oil along with little tomatoes.
  • You can soak beans of different kinds in advance and refrigerate them once done. This way when you want to have rajma or chole, you can just take out from the freezer and cook without having to wait for another day or two.
  • You need not cut vegetables everyday. Cut them on a holiday and keep those diced and chopped vegetables in air tight containers and refrigerate.
  • In case you forget to soak chana/rajma overnight, soak the chana/Rajma in the boiling water for an hour before cooking.
  • To separate each noodle, after boiling the noodles put them in normal cold water immediately.
  • To make homemade pastes of garlic, ginger or green chili last longer and taste fresher, add a tsp of hot oil along with salt to it 
  •  Always add hot water to the gravy to enhance its taste.
  • While using ginger-garlic paste in curries, always use garlic at 60% ratio and ginger at 40% as ginger being very strong makes your dish sharp and pungent.
  • While making potato patties/tikkis, always make sure that the potatoes are boiled well in advance and cooled before you use them. It would be better if they can be refrigerated for a short time. This helps the starch in the potatoes to settle down and the patties/tikkis will not be gooey.

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