Wednesday 22 April 2015

Mango Ice Cream Recipe

Mango Ice Cream Recipe

  • Mangoes - 4 ( 1 kg)
  • Milk - 1 litre
  • Cream - 200 grams (1 cup)
  • Sugar - 150 grams ( 3/4 cup)

  • Heat milk in a heavy based utensil and boil till it decreases in quantity.
  • Wash, peel mangoes and separate two pieces. Grind the remaining pieces of the mangoes along with sugar to make puree.
  • Cool the milk, mix the mango puree and cream to this cold milk and beat.
  • Put the mixture in a n air tight container and close the lid properly. Keep the container for 2 hours in the freezer. Check to see that the container is air tight.
  • After 1 hour take out the container from the freezer and beat the frozen ice cream properly so that the cream does not remain in crystal form.
  • Cut the 2 separated pieces of mango into small pieces and add to this mixture. These pieces seem very nice while eating the ice cream.
  • Keep the ice cream for another 2 hours in the freezer. Mango Ice cream is frozen and ready.

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