Monday 2 February 2015

Enjoy Winters

The chilly weather seems dull and boring to some, and restricts us in more ways than one. But, if we look at the sunny side, there are many ways in which we can enjoy this season and indulge in some activities, in which we otherwise don’t.

  1. Sip herbal soup: For a tired body and low mood, nothing works better than soups. From spinach soups to mushroom soups, from onion soups to corn soups, there a lot of options to choose from. Ginger, garlic, turmeric and many other such ingredients are helpful in this chilly weather and help us stay fit.
  2. Soak your feet in hot water: Soaking your feet in hot water relaxes the nerves and soothes you. Dip your feet in warm water for 15 minutes and add a little essential oil. One may also take a hot water bath in bathtub (if available).
  3. The magic of Ayurvedic massage: There are many Ayurvedic treatments which will relieve you of all the tiredness and rejuvenate you. From hot stone therapy to abhyangam, you can choose the massage according to your choice. One can also opt for face massage.
  4. Start Yoga: Yoga can be done indoors also. So, the discomfort of going out in the chilly weather to exercise can be done away with this. Yoga tones the body and improves concentration and memory.
  5. Read your favorite book or listen to music: Bets way to enjoy winters is to just lie and listen to good music, eat good food and read a good book. Nothing will relax and rejuvenate you more than doing what you love to do.
Source: Yepme blog

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