Parenting is definitely the hardest job you will ever do. As a parent, you have many important life lessons to teach your child. The world has changed a lot since our grandparents, and even our parents, were young. They have lived very different lives from those our children will lead, and today's youngsters have many challenges ahead of them Here are some of the essential lessons to teach your child:
Help Kids Find a Way To Tell the Truth. The best way to encourage truthfulness in your child is to be a truthful person yourself. Your child takes his cues from you, so it's important that you try to avoid any kind of deception (Never, for instance, say something like "Let's not tell Daddy we got candy this afternoon.") Let your child hear you being truthful with other adults. Teach them- Even if being honest isn't always easy or comfortable, you-and other people-always feel better if you tell the truth.
This is a lesson that you should teach all your children. They should not expect anything to be given to them. Instead, they must learn to work for what they want. It's understandable that you might want to help your children out, especially if they hit hard times, but teach them independence. Don't let them assume that they can treat you as a bank.
Insist That Children Make Amends. If you're aware that your child has acted badly toward someone, help him think of a way to compensate. Saying "I'm sorry" is pretty easy for a child, and it lets her off the hook without forcing her to think. Having a child make amends in a proactive way conveys a much stronger message. In order to help children internalize a true sense of justice, parents need to encourage them to take some action to remedy a wrong.
Encourage Them To Take on a Challenge. Determination is a value that you can encourage from a very young age. The easiest way to do so is by avoiding excessive praise and by providing children with honest feedback, delivered in a gentle, supportive fashion. Another powerful way to help kids develop determination is to encourage them to do things that don't come easily-and to praise them for their initiative. Congratulate kids when they manage to do things that are difficult for them. The child who hears "Good for you, I know that was really tough!" is bolstered by the recognition and becomes even more determined to keep trying.