Sunday 13 September 2020

5 must reads for your kids


Reading is one habbit which helps kids learn tremendously. Here's a list of 5 books which I believe are a must-have in your kid's library.

Sudha Murthy- Grandma's bag of stories

This book takes you down to the memory lane, listening stories from your grandparents, not just your kid but you will also enjoy so many short stories in one book.

Good Night stories for Rebel Girls

This is one book which is truly motivational, it is about females across the world, from Jhasi ki Rani to Coco Chanel who fought all odds and became what they are today. Every story of this book will inspire you and your kid both.

The Blue Umbrella- Ruskin Bond

If you and your kid is fond of old school stories, then Ruskin Bond should not be missed. Who am I to give review about Ruskin Bond books. Read and enjoy the glimpses of villages, hills, serenity which he has in his stories.

National Geographic's WHY

Those curious minds will definitely get a lot of answers from this book, be it space, animals, countries or even body parts. Kids have such curious minds, sometimes their questions leave us dumbstruck. This book will surely come as a rescue and you will be able to answer a lot of their questions.

Panchatantra Stories

Our good old panchatantra stories still teaches a lot of lessons, which definitely your kid should learn at an early age. One good thing is that it comes in English and Hindi both.

Reading not just help you improving your vocabulary or grammar, it gives you the power to think, to be creative, it changes the way you think, it inspires, it motivates, it gives you the knowledge which cannot be gained from any other mediums. Do read and Inspire your kid to read.

Happy Reading!

Monday 7 September 2020

5 indoor activities to keep kids busy

How many times a day you listen to this- "Mumma I am bored, what should I do? Come n play hide and seek with me". It is very difficult to keep kids indoors and still busy at the same time. finding that one activity, except Phone/ TV/ Gadgets, which can keep them occupied so that you can take that much required nap.

Listing down the activities, which helped my daughter learn, be occupied and gave me some "Me Time"

Reading - When I asked my daughter to sit and read a book and switch off the TV, it always looked like a punishment to her. I realized that kids are very good at imitating, so first I left MY phone and started reading a book, slowly she started sitting with me. Now when I read, she also gets her book and sits next to me to read.

Art n Craft - This is one activity that's truly engaging. I make sure to keep aside all dabbas, kulhads, ribbons, studs, colorful papers so that whenever she is free, she can sit and show her creativity and make something new out of the waste and feels proud of doing that.

Rubik's Cube - If your kid builds his/her interest in this, it will become their passion to solve it. That's what happened with my daughter at least. Earlier she was a bit reluctant, but the moment she started understanding the logic, she went crazy for solving it.

Flame-less Cooking - Cooking now a days, is not just confined to females. So, we all should teach our sons and daughters to cook. It should obviously be flameless cooking for now, this helps them alot to become INDEPENDENT and RESPONSIBLE, you can start from putting bhujia/mixture in between two bread slices, or may be making a quick biscuit mug cake

Water Ring Game - Going back to the memory lane, remember, how we used to play it for hours when we were a child. The same happens even now, there is no involvement of screens but still it works like a video game for kids.

Hope your kid will also enjoy these activities at home!

May their screen time decreases!